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Interested in learning to light the bridge? Great!
Once you learn, would you be willing to teach your students to create LIGHT SHOWS as well?

Become a LIGHT IT UP! programmer and trainer

The LIGHT IT UP! program is in its third year providing educational opportunities for students in Northwest Louisiana to learn the technical, artistic and mathematic processes for creating custom light shows on The Bakowski Bridge of Lights.

The Shreveport Regional Arts Council welcomes STEM Teachers to join the STEAM Team and incorporate the Bakowski Bridge of Lights programming skills into the STEM curriculum. We seek students with technical aptitude to learn to program the Pharos Control System that produces the LIGHT SHOWS on this LED programmable bridge over the Red River.

This iconic landmark project has endless potential for career-path development in Lighting Design, not just for the students, but upon completing the training and your first light show, Faculty will have the opportunity to be Certified Lighting Designers eligible for commissioned work on the bridge.

This program is curated and guided by the artistic direction of Broadway Lighting Designer, Jason Lyons.

Proposed Requirements for

  • 3 Full Days of training (PD) @ Central ArtStation

    • Training Day 1:
      Oct. 30

    • Training Day 2:
      Nov. 30

    • Training Day 3:
      Dec. 6

      Learn the Pharos Control System by attending
      two SUPER SATURDAY sessions
      at Sci-Port.

    • (Teachers will be compensated for Saturday Training Sessions)

    • Nov. 11, 2023 9-11AM

    • Dec. 9, 2023 9-11AM (optional)

    • (Weekly Office Hours Available for assistance )

  • Teacher’s Light Show on Texas Street Bridge!!
    Dec. 18, 2023 | 5-7PM

PHASE ONE Goals & Outcomes

1. DEVELOP Job Development Skills; Career Field / Job Development Examples include:

2. ENGAGE the Convergence of Art and Technology

3. DEMONSTRATE the Interdisciplinary role of STEAM learning - especially light design with Technology, Science/Physics, Engineering, and Math...combined with Creative Writing/Storytelling, Visual Art, Music and Theatre.

4. DEVELOP skills in Creative Collaboration with Clients

5. EXPLORE standards of Excellence

2023 Fall Term begins PHASE ONE with Train the Trainers

2024 Spring Term begins PHASE TWO with Train the Students

Projected Outcomes for Students creating Light Shows

These are Long Term Outcomes for Students creating Light Shows

Example of
PHAROS Control System

LIGHT IT UP! & Bakowski Bridge of Lights